Sunday, February 12, 2017

Feb 6, 2017 email

[Feb 6, 2017 email]


Well this week was quite emotional! i had my last multizone conference in Maldonaldo and i got to see old comps and a couple other good friends from the mission, and in the conference they asked me to give my "Last testimony" and then they gave me my flight plans and instructions for going home, and i think for the first time in these weeks i really understood that i am almost done, and it is starting to become real, but it was a great experience to be able to see a couple people one last time.

Like i said i had my last multizone conference but while we were they we talked a lot about church attendance and what we can do to help people get to church and also the importance of working with the members so after the conference we decided that we were going to do everything possible to get people to church so we call and we sent messages and on saturday we tried to stop every investigators house to remind them and we were also fasting and praying (ALOT) and we were feeling really good and that this sunday was going to be amazing! but... things don`t always go the way we plan! we had daniel come to church again but he fell asleep! haha and only a handful of members showed up, but there were a couple less actives that came for the first time in quite some time, and after feeling bad and asking "why didn`t anyone come?" my comp said hey "we had 6 men in church..." I realized after that i had been looking more at the amount of people and not so much as quality, 1 man (daniel) isn`t member but has accepted to be baptized, 1 was a less active that hasn´t come in months and could come back, and 2 are a newphew and uncle that both we active leaders before, but for varias reasons left, so i realized that even though we didn`t have a ton of people in church we had preisthood. which is what we are looking for, so it wasn`t what we asked for but it was what we needed.  

Then today for pday we went shopping here in some local shops and i told myself that i was only going to look today and then buy souveniers later.... i spent about 1000 pesos and bought something in 3 of the 4 shops we entered... my comp made fun of me for being a girl and buying everything that i saw! haha but it was totally worth it! 

Thanks for everything I hope you guys are enjoying feburary and i will see you next week! 

Love Elder Jensen

Old Comp elder bio and elder ramos

We went to go remind an investigator to come to church and they weren`t home so we wrote them a message in the sand.

we went looking for an investigator in the middle of no where.... we never found them... but beautiful photos!!